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Quick And Easy Grilled Eggplant Recipes

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Grilled eggplant marinated in a spicy garlic and herb marinade is a delicious, glutenfree
Grilled eggplant marinated in a spicy garlic and herb marinade is a delicious, glutenfree from
Have you ever tried grilled eggplant? This versatile vegetable is perfect for grilling and can be prepared in various ways. Grilled eggplant is not only delicious but also healthy, low in calories, and packed with nutrients. In this article, we will share some quick and easy grilled eggplant recipes that you can try at home.


Grilled eggplant is a simple yet flavorful dish that can be served as an appetizer, side dish, or main course. The smoky flavor of grilled eggplant pairs well with a variety of ingredients, including herbs, spices, and sauces. Grilled eggplant can be sliced, diced, or stuffed with fillings such as cheese, vegetables, or meat.

Prep Time

The prep time for grilled eggplant is minimal. You will need to wash and slice the eggplant into thin rounds or lengthwise strips, depending on your preference. If you want to reduce the bitterness of the eggplant, you can sprinkle salt on both sides and let it sit for 30 minutes to an hour. Then rinse the salt off and pat the eggplant dry with a paper towel.

Cook Time

The cook time for grilled eggplant depends on the thickness of the slices and the heat of the grill. Generally, eggplant slices take about 3-5 minutes per side on a medium-high heat grill. You can tell the eggplant is ready when it is tender and has grill marks.


For grilled eggplant, you will need the following ingredients: - 1-2 large eggplants - Salt - Olive oil - Herbs and spices (optional) - Sauce or dip (optional)


To make grilled eggplant, you will need the following equipment: - Grill (outdoor or indoor) - Knife - Cutting board - Brush or spray bottle for oil


Here's how to make grilled eggplant: 1. Preheat the grill to medium-high heat. 2. Wash and slice the eggplant into rounds or lengthwise strips. 3. Sprinkle salt on both sides of the eggplant and let it sit for 30 minutes to an hour. Then rinse the salt off and pat the eggplant dry with a paper towel. 4. Brush or spray both sides of the eggplant slices with olive oil. 5. Grill the eggplant slices for 3-5 minutes per side, or until tender and has grill marks. 6. Serve the grilled eggplant with herbs, spices, and sauce or dip of your choice.


- You can add herbs and spices such as garlic, oregano, thyme, or paprika to the olive oil before brushing it onto the eggplant slices. - Grilled eggplant can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. - You can also freeze grilled eggplant for later use.

Nutrition Info

Grilled eggplant is a healthy and nutritious dish. One cup of grilled eggplant (82g) contains: - Calories: 20 - Fat: 0.1g - Carbohydrates: 4.8g - Fiber: 2.5g - Protein: 0.8g - Vitamin C: 3% of the Daily Value (DV) - Vitamin K: 3% of the DV - Folate: 2% of the DV - Potassium: 3% of the DV

Recipes FAQ

Q: Can I grill eggplant without salt? A: Yes, you can skip the salting process if you don't mind the slightly bitter taste of eggplant. Q: What is the best way to store grilled eggplant? A: You can store grilled eggplant in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Q: How can I reheat grilled eggplant? A: You can reheat grilled eggplant in the microwave, oven, or on the grill.

Recipe Tips

- Choose eggplants that are firm, shiny, and free of bruises or blemishes. - You can use a grill pan or a George Foreman grill if you don't have an outdoor grill. - To make a grilled eggplant sandwich, layer grilled eggplant slices with cheese, tomato, lettuce, and your favorite sauce. - Grilled eggplant can also be used as a topping for pizza or mixed with pasta.

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